Article V, Section 2
Article XIII, Section 6
Article IX, Section 1
Article XII, Section 1
Article X, Section 1
Article XI, Section 1
Article XXI, Section 3
Article V, Section 2: National Conventions shall be the true and legitimate source of all authority and the final court of appeal. No change in the Federation's laws or policies therein adopted or promulgated shall be effected by any officer, committee, or any other body.
This is the highest governing authority of the Union. AFGE holds its convention every 3 years, usually in August. Once the Convention makes a decision, that decision stands, and it must be carried out by every single officer and employee of the Union -- at both the local and national levels. Convention action can be changed only by a later Convention or by a referendum of membership.
The Convention has the power to:
Delegates to the AFGE Convention are elected by Local Unions with the number of delegates per Local determined by membership strength as specified in the AFGE Constitution. Any chartered national, regional, state or district council is entitled to two delegates.
AFGE National Convention
Article XIII, Section 6: The NEC shall have power to make rules to govern matters not in conflict with this Constitution and shall prepare and present a complete report of its activities to the National Convention.
Between AFGE National Conventions, the NEC is the policy making and governing body of the Union. The NEC monitors legislative matters directly affecting federal and D. C. government employees and initiates legislative action as directed by the National Convention.
The Executive Board consists of the:
The NEC has the responsibility for instructing locals to affiliate and actively cooperate with central, state, district, or regional labor bodies in their respective localities. The NEC is empowered by the National Constitution to use every legitimate means to consolidate or merge locals, irrespective of district boundaries, with the purpose of creating stronger union entities and eliminating fragmented organization.
National Executive Council
Article IX, Section 1: The National President shall function as the Chief Executive Officer of the Federation and shall exercise supervision of the affairs of the Federation subject to the approval of the National Executive Council.
It shall be the duty of the National President, in accordance with the mandates of the National Convention, to plan and pursue policies which will promote the welfare of the organization; keep the membership fully advised of his or her activities; preside at the triennial Convention and at the meetings of the NEC, unless a different officer is designated by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting; sign all official documents pertaining to his or her office; and travel under budget and general policies of the NEC.
National President
Article X, Section 1: It shall be the duty of the National Secretary-Treasurer to have custody of and properly maintain the papers and other documents and effects of the National Office; conduct the correspondence pertaining to his or her office; receive and receipt for all monies; convene and act as NST at the triennial Convention, and travel under the budget and general policies of the NEC.
Duties of National Secretary-Treasurer:
The National Secretary-Treasurer (NST) is charged with maintaining the Federation's documents, fiduciary records, and property including:
The NST also ensures that District, Council, and Locals receive the information and forms they need to conduct District and Local elections and to elect delegates to the National Convention.
National Secretary Treasurer
Article XI, Section 1: The National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices shall:
(a) Develop, and exercise general supervision over, the
affairs of the Women's Department and Fair Practices
(b) Coordinate with National Vice Presidents on the activities
of district National Women’s Advisory Coordinators and
National Fair Practices Affirmative Action Coordinators;
(c) Report to the National Executive Council on the affairs of
the two Departments and on the activities of the District
(d) Consult with the General Counsel on all administrative
legal actions involving discrimination initiated by the
Department and on requests for initiation of court action;
(e) Preside over meetings of the National Executive Council
when the National President or National Secretary-
Treasurer is not present; and
(f) Administer the conflict resolution program.
National Vice President for Women's and Fair Practices
The Finance and Information Services Department (FIS) consists of 3 sections.
The Finance Section (FIN) of the FIS Department performs all of the financial reporting of AFGE.
The Data Processing Section (DPS) of the FIS Department enters all membership changes. FIS's Management Information System Section (MIS) manages AFGE's computer network.
Finance & Information Services Department
Article XXI, Section 3: All councils shall be subject to the rules and regulations of AFGE and the NEC.
National Representatives (NRs) are dispersed throughout the Districts and are under the supervision of the NVPs. Most NR's are assigned to assist specific Locals by the NVP. They are responsible for assisting these locals in meeting all of the goals of the Union.
National Representative
Article XXII, Duties of Council President
SECTION 1. The council presidents shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of their respective councils.
SEC. 2. The council president shall comply with the National and council Constitution. Further, the council president shall keep the membership apprised of the goals and objectives of the Federation.
Councils - President
ARTICLE VIII, Appendix B: Standard Local Constitution
SECTION 1. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President.
SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to devise and initiate such actions as may be necessary in the interim between the local's meetings, but such actions shall not be inconsistent with the objectives of the Federation and shall be subject to local approval.
SEC. 3. Expenditures by the Executive Board in excess of $500 per month must have prior approval of the local's members either as authorized by the budget approved by the local or by separate vote of the local's members. All expenditures authorized by the Executive Board will be reported in writing at the next regular meeting of the local. Upon request a copy of such report will be made available to any member in good standing of the local.
SEC. 4. The Executive Board shall prepare an annual budget subject to the membership's approval, which shall ensure at a minimum that the local's revenues are sufficient to meet its financial obligations.
SEC. 5. Standing and special committees may be established in the manner prescribed by a local's bylaws.
Locals - Executive Boards
Article XX, Duties of Local President
SECTION 1. The local presidents shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of their respective locals.
SEC. 2. The local president shall comply with the National and local Constitution. Further, the local president shall keep the membership apprised of the goals and objectives of the Federation.
Locals - President
AFGE has more than 1100 chartered local unions
in the United States and its territories. Members
elect the officers and delegates of their Local
and send them as representatives to the AFGE
National Convention. All AFGE members including
National Officers, National Vice Presidents, District
Coordinators, and Local Officers, must be members
in good standing in their home Local.
Under the leadership of the National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices, the Women's and Fair Practices Departments are devoted to promoting the civil, human, women's and workers' rights of federal and D.C. government workers. The departments support and implement the priorities of AFGE in four program areas that include: education and training, member mobilization/organizing, representation through litigation and legislative/political action.
Women's & Fair Practices Department
Article XII, Section 1: SECTION 1(a). The National Vice Presidents shall oversee all organizational work in their respective districts and coordinate as necessary with the Director of Organization. They shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of their respective districts. They shall assist locals in negotiations and implementation of contracts within their respective districts, handle grievances and appeals at the district level up to and including the regional levels, and refer to the National President for adjustment all grievances and appeals not resolved at the district level. However, in the Fourteenth District, the NVP shall be permitted to deal with governmental department heads.
National Vice Presidents